
Showing posts from July, 2021

Condition Monitoring - Types and its details

                                                          Condition Monitoring  Condition Monitoring To detect and localized particular components in the machine that is under degrading conditions and diagnose the fault. There are several condition monitoring techniques:-  1.Oil analysis   2.Vibration monitoring,   3.Thermal Inspection,   4.Ultrasonic Inspection   Oil analysis (OA): - Oil analysis (OA) is the sampling and laboratory analysis of a lubricant's properties suspended contaminants, and wear debris. OA is performed during routine preventive maintenance to provide meaningful and accurate information on lubricant and machine condition. Oil analysis  parameters are •        Viscosity •     ...

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)-Lubricant handling & Storage

    Standard Operating Procedure   (SOP) Lubricant handling   Standard procedure for Lubricant-Storage & Handling DO’s & Don’ts DO’s:-   1.Use dedicated storage tanks, pumps, and transfer equipment; one set per lubricant. Label all equipment with the appropriate lubricant identification. 2.Ensure storage tanks always have their fill caps and breathers securely in place 3.Implement a regular-cleaning preventive-maintenance work order for all tanks, reservoirs, and transfer equipment-grease guns, oil cans. 4.Use color-coded containers that match transfer container to lubricant reservoir 5.Never leave lubricant containers open after transfer has taken place. 6.Use appropriate tools and gloves for applying grease and poring the oil.     Don’ts:-   1.Don’t contaminant the grease or oil with other product. 2.Don’t use a bare hands to refill the grease. 3.Don’t inhale the ordure of the grease/oil. 4.Don’t inter...

Corrosion Protection Improvement-Wind turbines

Corrosion: Corrosion is a natural process, which converts a refined metal to a more chemically-stable form, such as its oxide, hydroxide, or sulfide. It is the gradual destruction of materials by chemical and/or electrochemical reactions with their environment. Factors which Affect Corrosion The main factors which affect corrosion are 1.    More the reactivity of metal, the more will be the possibility of the metal getting corroded. 2.    The impurities help in setting up voltaic cells, which increase the speed of corrosion 3.    Presence of electrolytes in water also increases the rate of corrosion 4.    Presence of  natural  water increase rusting of iron. 5.    When the iron surface is coated with layers of metals more active than iron, then the rate of corrosion is retarded. 6.    A rise in the temperature within a reasonable limit) increases the rate of corrosion. Types of Corrosion 1. ...

Non Destructive Test (NDT)– Procedure

  NDE test: - NDE Inspection is used to detect any surface-connected discontinuities such as cracks from fatigue, quenching, and grinding, as well as fractures in joints. Material required for NDE test: 1)     Penetrant (Red color) 2)     Cleaner 3)     Developer (White color) Penetrant: Penetrants are classified into two types. 1. Fluorescent 2.Non- Fluorescent. Fluorescent penetrants contain two or more dyes that fluoresce when excited by ultraviolet (UV-A) radiation. Non-Fluorescent penetrate inspection is performed in a darkened environment. NDE test Inspection steps:-   1.       PRE-CLEANING 2.       APPLICATION OF PENETRANT 3.       EXCESS PENETRANT REMOVAL 4.       APPLICATION OF DEVELOPER 1.        PRE-CLEANING :- The test surface is cleaned to remove any dirt, paint, o...


  Purpose of blade cleaning :-   Wind turbines blade surface, naturally accumulate dust and other forms of detritus. Often with wind turbines, this takes the form of grease or hydraulic oil from motors and other parts of the turbine. This prove to be unsightly and can cause dirt to accumulate at an accelerated place. The main purpose of blade cleaning is to eliminate dust and insect buildup, which otherwise deforms the shape of the airfoil and degrades performance. Blade cleaning is especially important in arid climates where there is not sufficient rainfall to help keep the blades clean. Types of Blade cleaning Methods: - 1.      Manually cleaning Method (Rope Access). 2.      Cleaning blade with Helicopter 3.      Blade cleaning with Robot mechanism 4.      Wind turbine blade cleaning with truck platforms. 5.      Blade cleaning with flying DRONE System. 6....