Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)-Lubricant handling & Storage

  Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Lubricant handling

 Standard procedure for Lubricant-Storage & Handling

DO’s & Don’ts



1.Use dedicated storage tanks, pumps, and transfer equipment; one set per lubricant. Label all equipment with the appropriate lubricant identification.

2.Ensure storage tanks always have their fill caps and breathers securely in place

3.Implement a regular-cleaning preventive-maintenance work order for all tanks, reservoirs, and transfer equipment-grease guns, oil cans.

4.Use color-coded containers that match transfer container to lubricant reservoir

5.Never leave lubricant containers open after transfer has taken place.

6.Use appropriate tools and gloves for applying grease and poring the oil.





1.Don’t contaminant the grease or oil with other product.

2.Don’t use a bare hands to refill the grease.

3.Don’t inhale the ordure of the grease/oil.

4.Don’t inter change the containers for hydraulic oil and gear oil orothers too.

5.Don’t kept the grease buckets on wtg’s bottom sandy areas.

6.Avoid sun light direct hit on the lubricants.





Technical measures/precautions: Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.Avoid inhaling vapour and/or mists. When handling product in drums, safety footwear should be worn and proper handling equipment should be used.



Technical measures/storage conditions: Keep container tightly closed and in a cool, well-ventilated place.Use properly labelled and closeable containers.Storage Temperature:0 - 50°C/32 - 122°F




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