Condition Monitoring - Types and its details
analysis (OA):- Oil analysis (OA) is the sampling and laboratory analysis of a
lubricant's properties suspended contaminants, and wear debris. OA is
performed during routine preventive maintenance to provide meaningful and
accurate information on lubricant and machine condition.
Oil analysis parameters are
• Viscosity
• Total acid number
• Water
• Iron
• Particle counts
• Vibration Analysis:-
Vibrations occur because of the dynamic effects of manufacturing
tolerances, clearances, rolling and rubbing contact between machine parts and
out-of-balance forces in rotating and reciprocating members.
We can diagnose machine faults like
Loose Coupling
Bearing Defects / Wear
Gear Mesh
Consider these variables when analyzing vibration:
• Direction, such as radial or axial
• Amplitude, severity
• Frequency, expressed in cycles per minute (CPM) or Hertz (Hz)—one Hz equals one second, or 60 CPM
Infrared Thermography:- Infra-Red Thermography is a technique for producing a visible image of the invisible (to our eyes). Infrared radiation is emitted by objects due to their thermal conditions. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore, thermography allows one to see variations in temperature.
Why Thermography?
• Non Contact
• Rapid Scanning
• Data can be recorded in differing formats
• Images produced are comprehensive & reliable
Ultrasound Analysis:- Low-frequency sound waves range in size from 3/4” (1.88 cm) to 56’ (16.9 m)
(Assuming the average hearing range from 20Hz to 20KHz)
High frequency (ultrasound) sound Waves range in size from 1/8” (0.34 cm) To 5/8” (1.7 cm)
(Assuming ultrasound range from 20 khz-100khz).
Why Ultrasonic analysis?
• Locate the leak
• Measure the Leak
• Calculate costs
• Calculate Greenhouse Gas emission reduction
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